Main Sponsors


Yuriy Kotsarenko

Yuriy Kotsarenko

R&D Consulting
Yuriy Kotsarenko, Ph.D. in Computing Systems, was a lead FireMonkey architect in Embarcadero, involved in development on mobile and desktop platforms. Currently Yuriy is participating in several research and development projects in the area of industrial applications, working with C++ and Delphi.
Primož Gabrijelčič

Primož Gabrijelčič

Embarcadero MVP
Primož is a long-time Delphi programmer working with Delphi since its inception. In the past few years his focus was mainly on parallel programming and high availability server solutions wich resulted in extremely popular threading library for Delphi: OmniThreadLibrary.
Stefan Glienke

Stefan Glienke

Embarcadero MVP
Stefan started programming with Turbo Pascal over 15 years ago, and now uses Delphi as his productive language of choice. He developed the DSharp library, Test Insight and is lead developer of Spring4d
Bruno Fierens

Bruno Fierens

CEO TMS Software
Bruno began writing software in Turbo Pascal 3.0 since 1987 and used all Borland Pascal and all Delphi versions since then. Founded TMS software in 1996. He is a regular speakers at conferences (Be-Delphi, DelphiTage, Delphi Day, ITDevCon, CodeWay Tour, SDN, ..)
Dmitry Arefiev

Dmitry Arefiev

Embarcadero Technologies Inc.
Dmitry Arefiev works at Embarcadero Technologies as architect of the database-components FireDAC. Dmitry’s primary expertise lies in the area of the database and data access technologies. He has spoken at national and international conferences.
Paolo Rossi

Paolo Rossi

Wintech Italia Srl
Docente Delphi da più di 15 anni. Consulente su tecnologie web, mobile e database. Speaker a numerose conferenze Delphi. Autore della libreria Delphi JWT e della libreria REST WiRL
Marco Cantù

Marco Cantù

Embarcadero Technologies
Marco is a RAD Studio Product Manager at Embarcadero Technologies, a best-selling Delphi books author, and a Delphi guru
Stefano Maestri

Stefano Maestri

Red Hat - Principal Software Engineer
Principal Software Engineer at RedHat with decades of experience developing distributed system in Java. My Job is currently focused on JEE server development and micro services. My interests are wider and always oriented to new technologies like IoT and blockchains
Marco Breveglieri

Marco Breveglieri

Marco è co-fondatore di ABLS Team, in particolare, si occupa di sviluppo software e Web con Delphi, Visual Studio e i linguaggi standard del Web. Marco sviluppa e tiene consulenze e corsi di formazione su queste tecnologie.
Michael Philippenko

Michael Philippenko

CEO FastReports
Michael is the CEO and co-founder of Fast Reports. Works in Fast Reports since 1998, just after graduating from University
Sergio Govoni

Sergio Govoni

Centro Software, Microsoft MVP
Responsabile dello sviluppo software presso Centro Software, dal 2010 è Microsoft MVP per SQL Server, con cui ha lavorato dalla versione 7.0, si occupa d'implementazione e manutenzione di database relazionali, ottimizzazione delle prestazioni e problem solving. Nel 2011 ha contribuito alla scrittura del libro SQL Server MVP Deep Dives Volume 2
Maurizio Del Magno

Maurizio Del Magno

Levante Software
Responsabile dello sviluppo del software Levante (gestionale settore termoidraulica) usa Delphi fin dalla prima versione, negli ultimi due anni si è dedicato alla realizzazione di un ORM.
Luca Minuti

Luca Minuti

Wintech Italia Srl
Lavora con Delphi sin dalla prima versione passando da applicazioni client/server a multi-tier su diverse piattaforme. Ultimamente svilluppa principalmente WebApp per desktop e mobile utilizzando ExtJS per il frontend.

Gold Sponsors